Most people consider hair combing a routine activity. There are people who keep a particular hair style throughout their life. On the other hand, younger generations adopt new hair styles according to new trends. To have a healthy hair, proper nutrition is required. General health has direct relation with the quality and quantity of hair. In order to make your hair beautiful, you need regular washing, use of hair oil, proper combing, etc. Tips for combing hair: 1. To choose the best comb, you must take into account the nature of your hair (soft or hard, short or long), convenience and style. 2. Combing hair should be done with greatest care and concentration. If you comb without any care, you can cause damage to your hair. 3. Combing hair should be done gently. A vigorous combing can encourage hair falling. 4. Do not comb wet hair. First dry your hair with a towel and then put some oil and gently massage it. After this is done, the combing will be easy and undamaging...